The Journey of Compassion was created by Tanellie Mullins to encourage and inspire the use of holistic herbal medicines to help humanity heal its bodies. The vision is the inclusion of all people to come together and focus on a collective goal of empowerment. The body is self healing, it just takes for us to give it what it needs and nurture its innate evolution. The more we step in to our own power and ability to assist the body in what it naturally does, the more we can assist others to heal from disease as well. Taking accountability for our consumption and health is taking back our power. We cannot fully tap in to our power as humans if we are sedated and ignorant of our own self. We are here to create a new earth, to walk in purpose and to give of ourselves fully. This is where The Journey of Compassion was born.
Tanellie's mother was diagnosed with breast cancer 9 years ago and he which lead him to holistic medicine, He felt connected to the ashwagandha herb and began extensive research. He began to give his mother the herb in addition to the other treatments the doctors prescribed. He also began to take the herb himself and found that the herb helped to ease his stress and gave him unmatched clarity and energy throughout his day.
A native from Seattle Washington, he realized the inner-city and low income communities were at a disadvantage health wise. He grew up eating processed foods and battled with depression. After a traumatic stabbing incident he became vegan and changed his thinking around food ultimately healing from his wounds and depression. He became inspired to pass the knowledge on.
His girlfriend Tatum is also a native of Washington. She went through a transition of healing after a head concussion which lead her to a path of healing through herbs and detoxification. She studied detoxification and yoga in Thailand and has always been interested in philosophy and psychology.
We are looking to expand our business to include other herbs and also a teaching element. We love the idea of telling stories and inspiring each other to better health.
Our Ashwagandha is locally sourced from Oregon. A organic herbal distribution company, the organic root powder is put in to our vegetable capsules and bottled as soon as the bags are open to maintain freshness.